Please click on the thumbnails to read the recap of our recent events.
Saturday, September 18th, 2021: 2021 RBFAA Annual Meeting – Watch a video of our speakers from the event and read a recap by Co-Presidents Tony Ganzer and Rob Fenstermacher.
Detailed Recaps of the Series below:
Monday May 4th, 2020: The News Media in Germany and the United States During a Pandemic
Monday, May 18th, 2020: Individual Rights vs. the Common Good in the Age of Covid-19
Wednesday, June 10th, 2020: A Changing International Security Environment
Monday, June 22nd, 2020: The Future of the Global Economy

The Current State of German Politics: A Transatlantic Town Hall with American Policy and Media Experts in Berlin

Regional Event – The Relevance of Personal Data in the Aftermath of the EU General Data Protection Regulation

Regional Event – Cryptocurrency: What you need to know about the Blockchain tech revolutionizing global finance

Regional Event – Journalism and Refugees: Media coverage and public discourses about refugees’ flows and integration in the European Union and the Americas

Regional Event – The Challenges of Migration in the European Union: German and Polish Experiences

Lunch and Livestreaming of “Brookings – Robert Bosch Foundation Transatlantic Initiative” Launch Event in Berlin

Regional Event – “Nationalism, Populism, and the 2017 Elections: Implications of ‘Illiberal Democracy’ and Integration in the European Union”
Professor Hans Boas on the Texas German Dialect – Austin, TX – 10/27/16