Paul Glader (XXVIII) served as the Laventhol / Newsday visiting professor at Columbia Journalism School in Spring of 2018, serving as lead faculty for the MA Business journalism program and seminar. He traveled to Morocco, South Africa, Poland, Czech Republic and Lithuania to speak and teach at journalism training program this Summer. This Fall, he’s back at his regular job as Associate Professor of journalism at The King’s College in NYC.
Cristina Gonzalez (XXXII) married Paul Gaitzsch on 27 July 2018 in a small civil ceremony at the beautiful Rathaus in Weinheim, Germany. Ellen Scholl (XXXII) was there to witness the occasion. Cristina and Paul met in 2016 through the American Council on Germany (ACG). Shortly after their nuptials, they moved from Berlin to Brussels where Cristina is pursuing a Master’s degree in Communication Studies and Paul is working at Germany’s Permanent Representation to the EU. Any Boschies traveling through Brussels have an open invitation to the guest room!
Joellen Perry (XXI) continues to run digital communications for the European Central Bank, a job he started in 2016. Joellen and his team of 50-some colleagues attempt to increase trust in this key international institution by increasing understanding of its policies, priorities and people. He met last year’s Bosch class at their headquarters in Frankfurt for a great discussion and he truly could not believe how time has flown.
Emily Schultheis (XXXIV) spent one month this summer reporting on populism and the state of democracy in southeast Asia as an East-West Center Jefferson Fellow, and will be staying in Berlin as a freelance journalist covering European politics and far-right populist parties.
Here’s a picture of Peter Laufer (V) doing field research for his book Dreaming in Turtle:
Amy Nelson (XXXIV) has just started a new job as a Research Fellow at National Defense University’s Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction. And, in what may be a first, my daughter Zinnia Romer and fellow Bosch Baby Hudson Orzechowski started school together at the same preschool in DC! Instead of German immersion, they’ll be doing Hebrew immersion this year at Sela Public Charter School.
Cameron McCosh (XXXI), husband Alan, and daughter Eleanor welcomed baby Otto on June 11. They remain in love with Portland, Oregon summers.
Markos Kounalakis (V) has a new book out, “Spin Wars & Spy Games: Global Media and Intelligence Gathering” (Hoover Institution Press), which you can find here:
Here is also a recent interview Markos did with The Washington Times:
This was also a good year for his McClatchy syndicated foreign affairs column, which was awarded in 2018 by the National Society of Newspaper Columnists, which noted: “When a column teaches you something, you know its creator is worth reading. Kounalakis’s world affairs columns not only offer strong prose and strong opinions, they offer an education. What to do with all the Confederate monuments? Kounalakis suggests doing like former communist countries like Hungary have done. Make a Memento Park—a museum and grounds to display them all. Interesting idea with a history lesson thrown in. His other two entries are just as thought provoking. Why was there no outpouring of world aid after Hurricane Harvey as there was after Katrina? Kounalakis has his theory. And the challenges of devising an election process for Russia’s Putin? Voter apathy is one. For as Kounalakis says “who wants to vote for a guy who’s already won?” Well-done Markos Kounalakis.”
Finally, and most importantly, Markos’ wife came in first place in the California Primary Election for Lieutenant Governor. Polls put her in the lead for the November 6th General Election. Thanks to the many Boschies who have supported her in the race. Go Eleni!
Michael Batlogg (XXV) is happy to announce the birth of their first child, Nathan, who is blessing the lives of his wife and him. Nathan was born on May 15 in Washington DC:
Madeleine Schwartz (XXXIV) wrote an article for The Guardian about Atlanticism:
Adam Hunter (XX) married Ryan Wesley Nibblins (who will soon be Ryan Wesley Hunter) on September 1. Rob Fenstermacher (XVI), Christina Tsafoulias (XXX), and Susan Stella (XX) joined Adam and Ryan for this very special occasion:
Rob Fenstermacher (XVI) is also sharing a note: “So special to share in the marriage celebration of Adam Hunter (Bosch XX) and Ryan Nibblins together with Christina Tsafoulias (Bosch XXX) and Susan Stella (Bosch XX) in Washington, DC on September 1st. Also, next year I will be working on some new projects for the American Council on Germany – three for Deutschlandjahr (an initiative of the German Foreign Office to promote Germany in the US) and another on digitalization and the future of work through funding of the German Economics Ministry. I’d love to collaborate with Bosch alumni in any of these cities next year: Atlanta, Boise, Charlotte, Chattanooga, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas/Houston, Knoxville, Nashville, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Salt Lake City, or Tuscaloosa. If you are interested, please send me a note at .”
Philip Bartels (XXIX) got married this summer and was lucky to have many wonderful Boschies there to help him celebrate. All the below are Bosch XXIX but Liz Johnson who is Bosch XXX:

In the photo are (from left to right): Liz Johnson, Jon Kosobucki, Leah Mycoff Bartels, Philip Bartels, Jaimes Valdez, Lizzie Livengood, Laura Damerville, Anne-Marie Zell, John Palinski and Adam Brundage.
Carrie Mann (XV) and the Transatlantic Refugee Resettlement Network (TRRN) are hosting a series of events. Please take a look at their regional events calendar: